Fee & Fine Schedule Policy

Non-resident Library Card Fee:

No charge

Seasonal visitors:

Will be required to pay a $20 deposit for use of library materials. This deposit will be fully refunded upon return of all library materials.


$.10 per page – black & white

$.50 per page - color

Projector Fee:

$10.00 fee

Overdue Projector:

$2.00 per day

Overdue Snowshoes:

$2.00 per day

Lost and Damaged Materials:

If a book or other material is lost or severely damaged, a fee equal to the replacement cost will be charged. Borrowing privileges will be suspended until payment of this fee is made.

Lost Interlibrary Loans:

If a book or other material borrowed from another library through the NHSL Interlibrary Loan system is lost or severely damaged, a fee equal to the replacement cost will be charged. Borrowing privileges will be suspended until payment of this fee is made.

Broken equipment:

If equipment borrowed from the library is lost or severely damaged, a fee equal to the replacement cost of the device will be charged. Borrowing privileges will be suspended until payment of this fee is made.

Adopted by the New Castle Public Library Board of Trustees, June 21, 2011. Reviewed 2/18/14. Reviewed 3/22/16. Revised & adopted April 17, 2018. Reviewed February 18, 2020. Revised & adopted February 16, 2022.