Home Safety Tips

While it may seem obvious, the most important tip we can give is to lock your doors and windows. Many burglaries we see are a result of the homeowner leaving their house unsecured. Even at night while you are home, you should lock your doors and windows.

Set your alarm. If you have a home security system, be sure to use it at all times.

Know your neighbors. Often times, a vigilant neighbor can be the best security system.

Vacant Home Security

  • If you are away on vacation or are going to be away for the winter, make your home appear as if someone is home. Setting lights on timers and installing perimeter lighting can be very effective.
  • Keep your alarm system armed. Even if you don't have a live monitoring company (ie. ADT), an audible alarm can alert neighbors.
  • Have a neighbor, or local contact that can check on your house, and respond in the event of an alarm or emergency.
  • Suspend mail and newspaper delivery if away for an extended period.
  • Complete the Vacant Residence Form which will give the New Castle Police Department valuable information in the event of an emergency at your residence while you are away.