Playground Replacement: Updates

Having served the park and its patrons for roughly 30 years, the current playground has reached the end of its useful life. The town has sent out Requests for Proposals (RFP) and will be selecting a vendor to begin replacement. The current structure will be removed this fall/winter, and a new structure will be installed prior to park season in spring 2024. Depending on the design, cost, and timing, there may be two construction phases from spring 2024-2025.

We will continue to post updates on this page as more information becomes available. Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns.

March 4, 2024 Update: The Town has submitted an order for "Phase 1" of the playground with Ben Shaffer Recreation. This phase will be constructed in the spring so that it is ready for the park season. Stay tuned to this page for photos and more updates.

May 10, 2024 Update: Playground installation is in progress and is anticipated to be complete by Memorial Day Weekend. This work will complete Phase 1 of the playground. Phase 2 is planned, but due to unforeseen expenditures and unanticipated costs of equipment, it has not been ordered or scheduled. The town hopes to create some fundraising events and collect donations for Phase 2 so that it can be installed in the fall of 2024 or spring of 2025. More details to follow...

May 24, 2024, Update: Phase 1 of the Playground at the Great Island Commons is completed and ready to be enjoyed! The next step is Phase 2 which is targeted to be started in the Fall, 2024. Phase 2 will enhance the Playground experience with additional swings, slides, a children’s zip-line and other fun equipment. The goal is to make the playground accessible to all children.

Phase 2 Playground Donation Information and Form

For Phase 2, the ask is for additional funding support from the Community and other interested people. The Town of New Castle has made a generous commitment to provide further funding for Phase 2. The Goal of the Community is to raise $80,000. The Playground Committee (Pamela Stearns, Chair, Alison Stebbins, Dave Kovick, Jamal Cooley, Kate Hermon) has already raised $20,000 and is now asking for your support in raising the additional $60,000.

Please consider donating on behalf of Phase 2 of the Playground. There will be a plaque at the Playground to recognize all donors.

Playground 3D rendering